Driving test effective observations

Many candidates fail their practical car driving tests due to not taking effective observations while out on the 40 minute assessment with the dsa examiner.

Even if there is nothing there, failing to consistently check the blind spots can lead to failing the driving test as it is an unsafe habit to have developed.

This driving school video shows how easy it is to forget that all important check especialy when concentrating hard on another skill which you might be having problems with.

The only way to make sure this doesn't happen to you, is to get into the habit of doing that 6 point check every time you stop on the left, or begin any of the test maneuvers.

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Driving Signals

This driving video shows the importantance of using the correct signals at junctions, including knowing when to cancel a previous turning signal to avoid confusing other road drivers.

While the car driving in this video is not a learner, the effect of the mistake is clear and is a good example to take note of for the UK driving test.

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